All posts by Nate

Nate is the Techie / Barbecue-y half of the House of Annie team. Born in Hawaii, his favorite hobby is surfing...WEB surfing that is. Visit my Google+ Profile

Five Quick Asian Dishes: Mustard Potatoes

Arvinds secret spice mix

Now, on with the Quick Asian Dish of the day, Mustard Potatoes. This dish is part of a weeklong series that I’m doing in honor of Steamy Kitchen Jaden’s birthday. She’s looking for recipes that take 15 minutes or less to prepare.

This dish was taught to us by friends of ours who invited us to their place for dinner. They are vegans from India, and they prepare dishes that are simply delicious. The food is so good, you can’t stop eating.
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Five Quick Asian Dishes: “1-4-7” Steamed Eggs

Jaden over at Steamy Kitchen is asking for Asian-inspired recipes that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less. This has inspired me to do a weeklong series of quick Asian dishes that you can easily prepare, just in time for the Beijing Olympics. The impetus being, the faster you can get dinner on the table, the faster you can get back to watching all the Olympic action!

This dish is extremely simple to make. It is basically only two ingredients: 4 eggs and 1 can chicken broth (not low sodium):

1-4-7 steamed eggs ingredients

Continue reading Five Quick Asian Dishes: “1-4-7” Steamed Eggs

Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Halibut

My previous post was about how the grilled pork tenderloin and nectarine-red onion chutney evolved over the course of the day. I started with the flavor profile I wanted first (Spanish, with lots of paprika) and moved to the ingredient list and finally cooking.

Annie had left me a couple of fillets of halibut that she wanted me to grill up after the pork was done. I wanted to continue with the Spanish flavor theme, so I did a lot of searching on Food Blog Search for “grilled halibut paprika”. For the life of me, I can’t remember which food blog post was the main inspiration for the recipe that eventually evolved. So I’ll say that I developed this recipe myself, and if any food bloggers out there recognize it as something they published, I will gladly give you the credit.
Continue reading Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Halibut

Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Pork Tenderloin

pork tenderloin sliced

When it comes to menu planning, Annie and I are from different schools of thought. Annie first builds a menu, then decides which ingredients she needs, and plans everything out before the actual execution of dinner. I start out first with the ingredients that I have on hand, then maybe come up with a menu, and start cooking before I completely figure out the order of execution. It frustrates Annie to no end when I am cooking, as the timing and rhythm are thrown off while I am still working out what I need to do next.

It’s insane, I know. Most times, she needs to step in and take the reins. But sometimes, SOMETIMES, the food I cook actually turns out better than expected.

This is the story of the evolution of my grilled pork tenderloin and halibut dinner.

Continue reading Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Pork Tenderloin