All posts by Nate

Nate is the Techie / Barbecue-y half of the House of Annie team. Born in Hawaii, his favorite hobby is surfing...WEB surfing that is. Visit my Google+ Profile

Heirloom Tomato Tasting at the House of Annie

It may not have been as expansive (or expensive) as TomatoFest, but we managed to have our own heirloom tomato tasting, featuring tomatoes grown right in our backyard.  Our guests were Cooking For Engineers‘ creator Michael Chu, and his wife Tina.  What did they think of our tomatoes?

House of Annie’s Heirloom Tomato Tasting

homegrown heirloom tomatoes

Dagma's Perfection, Heart of Compassion, Humph Green Giant, Brandy Boy, Orange Russian 117 Black Giant, Indian Stripe, Carbon
Black Krim, Hugh's, Super Italian Paste Granny Cantrell, Grandfather Ashlock, Goose Creek Russian Annie, Chianti Rose, Sakherniy Zheltiy
Virginia Sweets, Beauty King, Little Lucky    

Continue reading Heirloom Tomato Tasting at the House of Annie

La Fiesta (Mountain View)

One Sunday, after visiting the Mountain View Farmer’s Market, we were looking for places to have lunch.  We keep our Entertainment Book in the car, and found a coupon for La Fiesta Restaurant, just a few blocks’ drive from the farmer’s market.  The restaurant has a special menu on Sunday: a champagne brunch for only $11.95. This was perfect, as our 2-for-1 coupon was for entrees up to $12.

Chicken Mole Omelette @ La Fiesta Restaurant

La Fiesta Chicken Mole Omelette

Continue reading La Fiesta (Mountain View)

Getting Buzzed at TomatoFest, Part 2

In our first post on getting buzzed at TomatoFest in Carmel Valley, we talked about the amazing foods and drinks we experienced in the various Chef and Wine Tents.  But that was just the festival part of TomatoFest. Today, I want to talk about the whole reason there is a TomatoFest, the tomatoes.  It’s why I really wanted to go to TomatoFest in the first place, ever since I found out about it.

Bucket of Heirloom Tomatoes @TomatoFest

bucket of heirloom tomatoes @ TomatoFest

Continue reading Getting Buzzed at TomatoFest, Part 2