All posts by Nate

Nate is the Techie / Barbecue-y half of the House of Annie team. Born in Hawaii, his favorite hobby is surfing...WEB surfing that is. Visit my Google+ Profile

Secrets to Making Spam Musubi


Spam musubi is one of those quintessential Hawaiian foods, like kalua pig and lomi lomi salmon. Nowhere else in the world has something quite like the Spam musubi. Based on the Japanese snack food called onigiri, the Hawaiians melded it with their love of Spam to form this perfect, one-handed meal-to-go.

I love Spam musubi. So do a lot of our friends, though they (like most Mainlanders) started out with an aversion to Spam. “SPAM?!” they’d exclaim as they crinkled their noses, “why would anyone ever want to eat SPAM?
Continue reading Secrets to Making Spam Musubi

We’ve been Blogspotted!

The House of Annie blog is very thrilled to be Blogspotted in the Malay Mail, one of the main afternoon newspapers in all of Malaysia! Welcome, and selamat datang, to all you readers who found us through that article!

Just a small correction in the article: Annie is not a doctor; she has finished her coursework and is ABD – “all but dissertation”. One day, she may decide to go back and finish her PhD but currently the only doctoring she does is to doctor recipes and our kids’ boo-boos 😉

Thank you Num, for scanning in the actual newspaper article for us.

And thank you to Sheila Rahman, the editor who interviewed us. We look forward to getting to know you new readers better. Feel free to leave comments or questions.

Cheers and Aloha,

Annie & Nate

Roasted Tomato, Onion and Pepper Gazpacho

Tomato season is rolling around, and soon we’ll be inundated with a bounty of tomatoes from our garden.

Part of last year’s bounty:

I’ve documented quite a few recipes for utilizing the tomato harvest. One of my favorite tomato recipes has got to be gazpacho. Gazpacho is the perfect dinner for a warm summer evening. Now I’ve found a way to boost the cancer-fighting power of this cold tomato soup, without a lot of extra work.

Continue reading Roasted Tomato, Onion and Pepper Gazpacho

WSM Smoked Turkey

Do you have a lurking turkey? You know, the spare one you bought on sale around Thanksgiving time ’cause it was dirt cheap, and you figured you could use it “sometime later”. But of course, you forgot all about it sitting there behind the two dozen other things you’ve stuffed in the freezer since then.

Yeah, I had one of those. Two of ’em, actually. (We have a big freezer in the garage.) I needed to make some space in the freezer, so I decided to smoke one of the turkeys.

(And dang, did that sucker make a huge blunt!)

Just kidding. By smoking, I mean instead of heating up the kitchen with a hot oven, I would cook the turkey outside using my Weber Smokey Mountain water smoker. So I defrosted one of the turkeys and then spatchcocked it. “Spatchcocked”? Ooh, sounds naughty!
Continue reading WSM Smoked Turkey