Category Archives: By Cuisine

Daikon cooked in spicy coconut milk (Lobak putih masak lemak)

An amazingly simple and delicious new way to cook daikon radish.

daikon in spicy coconut milk

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I use an ingredient in certain ways and I can’t get past those styles of cooking to move on to other things. Yeah, let’s just call it non-creativity. I get like that some days (ok, most days now that I’m working). This is why I love browsing through cookbooks or going to try new restaurants. I get inspired that way.

Recently, I got inspired by a Malay colleague. She had brought lunch from home that her mom had made for her. Being the curious foodie that I am, I went over to her cubicle and asked what she was having for lunch. She said, “Lobak putih masak lemak” (daikon cooked in coconut milk) and showed me her dish.

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Matzoh Ball Soup

This easy recipe takes chicken soup to a new level of wonderful. Homey and delicious!

Matzoh Ball Soup

There are a few things that my son Daniel will eat without hesitation. Top of the list is mac and cheese, followed by miso soup. But if I had to choose another meal that Daniel enjoys tremendously, it would have to be Matzoh Ball Soup. Considering that I only learned about matzoh balls 3 years ago, it’s amazing how this dish is now a mainstay in our home.

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Persian Rice and Kebab: Chelow Kabab Koobideh

I successfully take on the challenge of making this classic Persian dish for the first time.

Persian Rice and Kebabs

We’ve been here in Kuching for over a year now, and we’ve settled in nicely.  We’ve even had a chance to throw a few parties at our house, doing a Japanese dinner for our friends one night, and inviting friends over for Esther’s birthday in August.  But I’ve been meaning to invite my boss to dinner. My boss is based in San Jose, but he works here half the time.  He lives out of his hotel room and eats out for every meal, so I was sure he’d appreciate some home-cooked food.

So I invited him over to our house for dinner this past Saturday. My boss was born in Iran, so I thought it would be nice to make him some Persian food.  I started researching dishes and recipes, and decided to make the classic Persian dish, chelow kabab koobideh – rice with mince meat kebab.

Continue reading Persian Rice and Kebab: Chelow Kabab Koobideh