Tag Archives: Salad

Shrimp salad

Just a simple salad with romaine, red bell pepper, mushrooms, grape tomatoes, and shrimp sauteed in butter. Dressed with cilantro-lime dressing.

I generally don’t like to eat tomatoes out of season, so these tomatoes come from somewhere down south. Can’t wait to have some home grown tomatoes!

Aloha, Nate

Smoked Salmon Salad

Annie wanted to do a salad one night and we were looking around for ingredients. We had some smoked salmon sitting in our pantry for a while, so we thought, why not?

Romaine lettuce, orange bell pepper, red onion (sliced thinly), hard boiled egg, and capers. The salmon wasn’t the thinly sliced kind; rather, it was a whole fillet that we crumbled into chunks. The dressing was simply Annie’s Naturals brand Cilantro-lime dressing. Very easy to prepare, and lots of flavor!

Kinda nice to have these things sitting the pantry just waiting to be used. Wonder what else is in there?

Aloha, Nate

Green Bean, Red Onion, Roast Potato Salad with Rosemary Vinaigrette

Annie found some great deals on vegetables at Lunardi’s on Saturday monrning. They had just put out some veggies bagged for clearance and she scored a head of organic cauliflower, some fingerling potatoes, some huge mushrooms, and a bag of blue lake beans.

Recipe from http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,FOOD_9936_7844,00.html

Definite do-over!

Aloha, Nate